Dear Martin Dear Martin by Nic Stone takes readers on an emotional journey, and it forces students to consider the effects and implications of heavy issues including micro-aggression, police profiling, and institutional racism. These issues require deep discussion and thought to get a handle on, and when it comes to .
Dear Martin by Nic Stone is undoubtedly deals with serious issues, and your lesson plans for the novel will surely include lots of reflective and persuasive writing assignments; however, Dear Martin also provides lots of opportunity for students to show their understanding and insight through creative activities and projects. You .
Here are 7 more lesson plan ideas for Dear Martin by Nic Stone: 1. Racial Bias and Microaggressions Students can explore the theme of racial bias and microaggressions in the book and how it affects Justyce and his friends. They can also discuss the impact of these experiences on their .
Nice Stone’s novel Dear Martin has been banned in some school districts in the United States. The author, Nic Stone, discussed the novel with MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, and share her thoughts about why some people have such averse reactions to it. The Interview The interview is a conversation between Alie .
Assignment: Civil Rights Leaders Research Project Objective: To research and analyze the impact of a significant civil rights leader on the movement for racial justice and equality. Instructions: Criteria: Due Date: [Insert due date] Grading: The project will be graded based on the above criteria, with a focus on the .
When teaching Dear Martin by Nic Stone, start by establishing a safe space in your classroom. Make sure that students understand why and how to express themselves respectfully. If you have the proper environment in your classroom, you can use Dear Martin as a terrific jump-off point for many important .
Dear Martin by Nic Stone is a fantastic novel to teach with middle and secondary school students, especially if you want to explore issues related to racism in America. You will find some helpful lesson plan ideas for Dear Martin below, but if you want a full unit plan with .